Hair loss is more prevalent in males, but it can also affect females. It can be harder to seek treatment for this condition as a woman because of the stigma involved. However, serious hair loss cannot be treated at home. It's important that you see a doctor who can help you manage your hair loss before it becomes permanent. Multi-therapeutic hair transplants are the preferred method of many doctors. When you visit a hair restoration specialist, this is the process you'll undergo:
1. Speak with a doctor during a consultation.
Before deciding upon an appropriate treatment, your doctor will want to examine your scalp and review your history. Some medications and treatments can cause hair loss, and the presence of these factors can affect your doctor's assessment of your condition. If you're currently undergoing chemotherapy that is contributing to your hair loss, you will be advised to wait until your treatment has concluded. Your doctor will determine the extent of your hair loss and make their recommendations accordingly.
2. Choose your hair transplant.
If your hair loss is severe, a hair transplant is the best first course of treatment. A hair transplant allows your doctor to remove healthy follicles from one area on your head and place them in a different area. Hair will no longer grow at the donor site, but your doctor will be careful to remove donor follicles from an area where their loss will not be noticeable. There are two types of hair transplants available: one in which an entire strip of your scalp is removed for transplantation and another in which individual follicles are removed. Your doctor will help you make the right call.
3. Have hair transplant surgery.
Your hair transplant surgery will be performed in your doctor's office. You will be awake for the procedure, but local anesthetic will numb your scalp so you won't feel pain. Your doctor will thoroughly clean the donor and transplant sites to prevent infection. The hair transplant surgery may take up to six hours, but you'll have the chance to get up and stretch your legs if necessary. After the procedure, your doctor will send you home with care instructions to protect your new hair transplants, which will be fragile for a few days.
4. Utilize other hair restoration treatments.
Hair transplant surgery will allow you to grow hair in places that had previously experienced full or partial balding. However, it will not cause the rest of your hair to grow in thicker. If you desire thicker hair all over, topical ointments and oral medication can help you reach your goal.